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Planned Demolition of St Kilian’s Parish Managed White House Building 

Below are Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) which we hope will assist in answering any queries relating to the demolition of the St Kilian’s Parish building known as the “White House.

What is going to happen? 

Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd (CESL) has received approval from Bishop Shane Mackinlay to arrange for the demolition of the St Kilian’s Parish building known as the White House. The White House is located immediately beside the school’s Junior playground and forms a boundary between the school and church areas.

Why was this decision made? 

In late 2022 a sinkhole opened immediately beside the White House. At this time, a precautionary exclusion zone was established beside the building as there were concerns with the structural integrity of the building. While the sinkhole was filled, an assessment of the White House by structural engineers identified some structural issues with the building and, after a great deal of discussion between CESL the school and the parish, the Bishop agreed to progress planning for the building’s demolition.

What is going to happen

Bishop Shane has approved CESL to manage the demolition of the White House. CESL has engaged a Lead Architect who recently lodged a planning application to the City of Greater Bendigo and Heritage Victoria for the building’s demolition. Once approved, a permit for the demolition of the White House will then be lodged. Appropriately experienced demolition contractors will be engaged, and the building will be demolished.

Who will manage the demolition 

CESL has engaged, and is managing, the required consultants and contractors who will undertake the work. To ensure that the interests and needs of both the school and parish are taken into consideration during this work, a Project Advisory Group (PAG) has been established to ensure CESL is able to work closely with both communities regarding both logistics and communications associated with the demolition. 

When will the demolition occur? 

It is anticipated that CESL will receive authority to demolish the building in early to mid 2025 and that the demolition will then occur without delay. 

What will happen to the area after the demolition? 

The school and parish have been meeting to discuss and develop ideas which could be considered for the remediation of the area previously occupied by the building. Details regarding this process will be released shortly. 

Will the demolition of the building affect the students? 

The demolition will be undertaken with the safety of students, teachers, families, and parishioners as of paramount importance. Therefore, there will be some instances where sections of the carpark or school may not be accessible to ensure community safety, however every effort will be made to make the access restrictions temporary. This temporary unavailability will also affect carparking access from Havelock Street.

When will the project be completed? 

The project has many moving parts and is dependent on many elements such as; being granted town planning approval, contractor availability and maintaining safety to both the school and parish. It is anticipated that details regarding completion date will be provided shortly.

What are the key next steps? 

CESL will continue to work toward obtaining Town Planning permission to demolish the White House and is working to develop dates relating to the demolition. The school will continue to facilitate engagement between the school and parish communities to assist with developing ideas for the remediation of the area.

How will I know what is going on? 

St Kilian’s Primary School respects and values its school community and is committed to keeping the school community informed through regular updates. These updates will be able to be found on the school’s website under future plans.

What if I have other questions? 

If you have further questions, please contact the school office directly. 

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