Child Safe Commitment
St Kilian’s School is committed to the creation of a safe, just and respectful environment that supports wellness for all members of the school community. In this, there is a moral obligation and shared responsibility to protect the most vulnerable members of the community.
Positive Behaviour Interventions and Support (PBIS) Framework
Positive Behaviour Interventions and Support (PBIS) Framework is a whole school three-tier approach to decreasing disruptive behaviours and increasing student success. It is a proactive approach that emphasises the instruction of social skills, data-based decision making, and the prevention of problematic behaviour. This evidence-based practice enhances the capacity of schools to educate all students, especially children with challenging behaviours and responds to the current social and / or educational challenges through three levels of intervention: universal, targeted-group, and individual intensive.
Whole School Behaviour Expectations
Respectful – Safe – Responsible